Resquared Blog

Insights from the Resquared team

How Resquared Helps New Leasing Reps Land Deals - A Conversation with Aidan McNaughton at Regency Centers

Are you new to real estate or just beginning your career as a leasing representative and are having...

"There hasn't been a tool that has married data and email quite as simply": Client Conversation w/ John Bendever, Jr. of Local Marketing Pros

Resquared is invested in being a one-stop solution for commercial real estate companies and...

Introducing RE2.0: The Next Generation of Selling to Small Businesses

Company Culture: Why Resquared Hires Teachers

The tech industry has seen a great migration from professionals in other industries. Teaching is a...

One hour of prospecting burns 50 calories and results in a 16.6% Response Rate

Joking about the calories - unless you have a treadmill desk of course! But the leads are very real...

Resquared Revamped: New Features to Make Your Prospecting Faster Than Ever

How You Can Get More Local Business Leads With Resquared

"Follow up. Follow up. Follow up": The follow up cadence that works!

Focus on making a friend - not an ROI