
Creating a Personal Connection: 5 Tips for Customizing Your Outreach Efforts

We’ve heard from tons of our users that prospects responded to their outreach emails because they...

The Challenges and Rewards of Changing Careers: Courtney's Journey to Resquared

Transitioning from one career to another can be daunting, but it can also be an exciting...

Why Personalized Plain-Texts Emails Are More Effective Than Email Blasts

Email is the most underrated tool in CRE for getting leads. It’s widely used, efficient,...

Simon Property Group's Secret To Winning New Deals With Past Tenants

Connection is everything. Resquared operates not only as a way to find data on local businesses but...

How Resquared Helps New Leasing Reps Land Deals - A Conversation with Aidan McNaughton at Regency Centers

Are you new to real estate or just beginning your career as a leasing representative and are having...

"There hasn't been a tool that has married data and email quite as simply": Client Conversation w/ John Bendever, Jr. of Local Marketing Pros

Resquared is invested in being a one-stop solution for commercial real estate companies and...

Company Culture: Why Resquared Hires Teachers

The tech industry has seen a great migration from professionals in other industries. Teaching is a...

One hour of prospecting burns 50 calories and results in a 16.6% Response Rate

Joking about the calories - unless you have a treadmill desk of course! But the leads are very real...

Resquared Revamped: New Features to Make Your Prospecting Faster Than Ever