Easy as 1, 2, 3: Resquared Best Practices


Here’s a topic that’s easy for us to dive into – Resquared best practices! If you’re a new Resquared user or if you’re just looking to sharpen your prospecting skills, this blog will help you get the most out of our platform in just 3 steps!


  1. Narrow down your target focus


We’ve seen that most of the success our clients have had on the platform comes from being able to target the right businesses effectively. When you’re looking for a business on Resquared, the most important thing to remember is to be as specific as possible.


A great example of this is if you’re looking for a restaurant, the best search is not actually to type in “restaurant” even if you think that makes the most sense.


Our Co-Founder, Tyler Carlson, explains why “restaurant” is not the ideal search term and how you can easily find better ones within the Resquared platform.



“You want to start with a good, targeted audience. My best advice – start with a list of between 5 to 150 businesses. That’s the sweet spot!” – Tyler Carlson, Co-Founder

Also be sure to utilize the search exclusions. If your shopping center already has a pizza place, type in “pizza” in the search bar, then click on it to exclude it from your search. Your excluded search terms will be in red, shown below.




PRO TIP: Don’t be restricted by the list of search terms in the search bar! These exist based off of commonly searched businesses and categories, but you can expand your search beyond these to whatever you like!


  1. Send Tailored Emails


Once you have your leads from #1 saved to a list – it’s time to nail your email outreach! The most important thing to remember is that prospecting is like dating and you should never try and ask for a meeting on your very first point of connection with someone – it’s too soon for that!


Instead, you should look to open communication with simple messages that don’t ask too much of the prospect. After all, you don’t even know each other yet!


Our Co-Founder Tyler explains how to craft the perfect prospecting email in the video clip below:



Resquared makes it easy to personalize and send the emails you write to your list of leads. This clip shows the process for personalizing and sending out emails all in one swoop:



  1. Send Facebook messages – THEY WORK!


If you take away one thing from this blog, let it be that Facebook is a Leasing Agent and Brokers’ best friend. At Resquared, we believe that Facebook is the holy grail of our industry, and we are still shocked at how underutilized it is.


There are a few reasons it is such a powerful tool. Here’s a quick list of some of the biggest ones:

  1. The mindset that people are in when they are on Facebook is so much more open and relaxed than when they are on email.
  2. Business owners’ can sometimes receive hundreds of emails in any given day, but maybe receive just a handful, if any, Facebook messages. This makes for a much higher chance you’ll gain their attention.
  3. Business Owners are literally incentivized to respond to you! Have you noticed on Facebook Business pages that it will say “Typically responds within an hour” or that they are “very responsive”? They earn those from responding to people like you in a timely manner.

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PRO TIP: Always use your personal Facebook to reach out over a company page. People like to buy from people, not corporate entities. If you’re concerned about the privacy of your personal page, this blog covers how to optimize it for prospecting.


Tyler goes through how to access the Facebook Messenger feature through Resquared in the clip below:



If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide, we cover all the details on Facebook messaging best practices for reaching local businesses here.


Another great tool to utilize in the Resquared platform is the reminder feature. Set yourself a reminder for any businesses that reply with something like “my lease ends in 6 months, please reach out then.” The Resquared platform will then send you an email in 6 months for that business reminding you to reach back out to them!


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If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide, we cover all the details on Facebook messaging best practices for reaching local businesses here.


Another great tool to utilize in the Resquared platform is the reminder feature. Set yourself a reminder for any businesses that reply with something like “my lease ends in 6 months, please reach out then.” The Resquared platform will then send you an email in 6 months for that business reminding you to reach back out to them!


We hope this blog helped you add some more prospecting tricks up your sleeves! If you’re looking for some more advice, reach out today!


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