“Send Me a Flyer”: How to Get the Most from This Response during Prospecting

So, you’ve done the work, sourced a great potential lead for the new shopping center you’re working on, and even got a response! Yay! But it’s not the response you were looking for... How do you turn a lukewarm “send me a flyer” response to your outreach into a deal? The key is to personalize your reply and meet your potential lead on a more human level than just sending them over a flyer. Here are our 3 best tips for a more successful response!

Resquared Flyer


1. Get them on the phone


The number one goal is to get them on the phone. If you send a potential lead a flyer but you don’t have the chance to experience their reaction to it, it’s a challenge. A great example of this that we see in our work at Resquared is during the hiring process.


When we send someone an offer, we always send it while we are on the phone with them so that we can see how they react and see what’s important to them. This same philosophy holds true when working with potential new clients – speaking on a phone call gives you so much more insight into what is important for them when it comes to expanding their business. So that’s why tip number one here is give the prospect a call even before you press send on the flyer!


2. Send a video message


Don’t skip over this one! While many people find recording themselves on video outside of their comfort zone, this is exactly why this will set you apart from the competition! When you put yourself in your prospect’s shoes, seeing that you took the time to record a personalized message not only helps to establish a connection, but it also increases the likelihood that you’ll receive a response and not get lost in translation.

Resquared on Laptop

You can easily record yourself using a free software like Loom and share your screen as you talk through why this new location could be a good fit for them. We recommend accompanying your video message with a short note like this one: “Hi John, I know you’re really busy so I recorded this quick video message to go through the flyer with you. I’d love to set up some time to review it with you!”


3. The open house


Going the extra mile and providing a time for the potential lead to come and see the center in person is perhaps the best way to make a positive impression! In place of sending a flyer, you can say that there will be an open house on the property and that they are welcome to come check it out in person.


Physically seeing the location will help them be able to imagine if it could be a good fit for their business, and even if it isn’t, it allows you to begin a relationship with a local business owner that could lead to something down the line.


BONUS TIP: Don’t forget the follow-up!


We add this one in because this step is one that is so frequently left out! It often takes at least 8 touchpoints to close a deal (see our earlier blog where we discuss this in depth), so ensuring that you’re taking a thorough approach and following-up with your potential lead should be standard for your outreach. Questions like “Did that square footage seem to be the right footprint for you?” are ALWAYS better than asking them if they want to sign because they’re much more engaging and natural.


Hopefully this blog inspired you to think outside of the box the next time you receive a request for a flyer! Reach out anytime to learn how Resquared can help innovate your prospecting process from the ground up!


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