Resquared Blog

Creating Better Habits for Prospecting in 2022

Written by Resquared | Jan 12, 2022 10:55:12 PM


It’s the New Year, and with new beginnings comes renewed hope and increased emphasis on goal setting.


What do you want to achieve in 2022?


If your answer includes growing your business as a leasing agent or broker and connecting with more local businesses, we have some helpful tips to share!


Consistency is key


How long does it take to form a new habit? While we’ll let the experts debate the exact timeframe, the answer is somewhere between 3-8 weeks.


Consider how many times you have started a diet or exercise routine at the start of the year and actually stuck to it?


Our brains can be our worst enemy when it comes to sticking to a goal despite how beneficial it may be.


At Resquared, we have found that our customers that consistently use the platform are the ones that connect with the most local business owners and see the most deals closed.


So, what do these professionals have that sets them apart from the rest? They are consistent.


Here are a few tips that we’ve found helpful:

  • Schedule time for prospecting: A recurring meeting with yourself for 15 minutes to prospect every morning can help you stay on track.
  • Step outside of your comfort zone: Have you tried sending a prospect a Facebook message yet? Or Instagram DM? It can be a thrilling experience to get your first reply. We cover Facebook best practices for prospecting here.
  • Set goals for your Resquared Activity Reports: Set a goal for the number of emails to send per week, and see how high you can get your open rate.
  • Ask a colleague to keep you accountable: Help them with their goals or even challenge them to a friendly prospecting competition to see who can reach the most businesses, or get the most replies!


And, for those really looking for a leg up over the competition, consider joining our January Prospecting Challenge. We are bringing together a stellar group of CRE professionals for some healthy competition which can help keep everyone on track for their business goals.


Be open to change


The amount of time that most people spend canvassing even just a single business before reaching out can be several hours.


When meeting new customers, we frequently hear about their frustration of the old canvassing processes. Here’s a couple examples:


“Prospecting pre-Resquared was SWEATY to say the least! I would spend a lot of time in the car driving around going door-to-door. And while it can be good to get out there in the field, a significant amount of time was being wasted.” - Daniel Gardner, Leasing Associate, Weingarten Realty

“While traditional canvassing still works, it is a time consuming and flawed process. You can spend a great deal of time on Yelp and other platforms creating lists of businesses that you want to contact and then you can spend hours in the car driving to the various businesses and still not be sure that you’ll be able to connect with the right person when you get there.” - Fred Reynolds, Director of Redevelopment, Phillips Edison & Company


If this sounds like your current situation, open your horizons and consider how a local business prospecting tool like Resquared can help give you back valuable hours in your day.


Change can feel uncomfortable, but we are firm believers that progress happens outside our comfort zones.


Okay, that’s enough with the inspirational quotes – bottom line is, if you’re looking to level-up your business and habits, Resquared can help you achieve those goals.